Just two weeks ago I published swimming away as the best sport on planet earth. In that essay I cautioned that kids attract to water and as such it is important that they are able to swim. I also saluted UNICEF for having Learn-to-Swim programs for children in some developing countries to save kids from drowning. It was sad to hear on May 3, 2006, that former Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker had to cut short a vacation from UK and return to the USA because his his 7-year old grandchild had drowned in the family swimming pool. Of course, hundreds of similar sad incidents go unreported on TV and major newspapers when it happens to ordinary people.
Houses with outdoor swimming pool should fence and gate the pool area so that no child is able to enter unless an adult opens the gate and stays there all the time when kids are in the pool. Of course, they should also be closely supervised in other places of water recreation.