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1960-1972 worked for large engineering company in Sri Lanka in cost & management accounting specializing in cost control & logistics of large engineering projects- national water supply, hydro-electric plants, bridges, buildings, and manufacturing.
1972-1976 Finance Officer, UNDP, Sri Lanka.
1975 Elected Associate of the Institute of Management Accountants, London, England ACMA
1977 Elected Fellow of the Institute of Certified Accountants, London, England FCCA
1979 Elected Fellow of the Institute of Management Accountants, London, England FCMA
1976-1981 Operations Officer, UNICEF, Bangladesh.
1982-1985 NYU MPA Program
1985 Awarded Master in Public Administration (MPA), New York University
1981-1997 Budget Officer, Budget Director, Advisor, UNICEF, New York, USA.
1997 retired from UN.
1998-1999 Financial Planning, NYU
2000/5 - Speaker at inauguration of Institute of Management Accountants, Warsaw, Poland.
2001 - Special invitation to Beyond Budgeting sponsored by First Call Thompson, New York.
2002 - Exhibiter, Beyond Budgeting sponsored by Certified Public Accountants, Texas.

Now freelance Educator & Writer.

1960's: Six & 2-mile long distance swimming Sri Lanka and Organizer of Learn to Swim Campaign in Sri Lanka teaching over 20,000 kids to swim in Colombo and remote villages. Bicycled 12 miles a day in Sri Lanka from home to school and back over several years (Grade 6 to High School). Also, rode motorcycles in Sri Lanka from 1966 to 1976 as a means of transport.

Mid 1980's-1990's ran several NYC, Yonkers and Philadelphia Marathons and over 200 shorter distances from 5 to 18 miles.

2000-2004 participated in several long distance bike rides.

Now: Swim, bike and walk for exercise and recreation.

Mission statement: To live life with enthusiasm, honesty, passion and a positive attitude by making written contributions to the world, friends and UN community on management, HR and public policy issues. To challenge policy that has made the world a difficult place by tracing their mistakes and making proposals for betterment. By learning from past mistakes to reexamine and realign life and ideology, challenge all forms of bureaucracy and take on new ideas for intellectual stimulation. To divide life between work and play as living a life without fun is unfulfilling.

“You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you’re going to live.”


Swimming, biking, writing, readings in management, finance and economics and human relations.