2007 INDEX OF ARTICLES contain 112 articles of my favorite topics: personal finance, finance & economics, sports, health and recreation, human psychology and human relations. You can review summaries at this index or go also to the two weblogs: http://merrillc.typepad.com/2merrill and http://merrillc.typepad.com/unwind to review subjects by category. Some personal postings and the main indexes are contained in this web log at http://merrillc.typepad.com.
I look forward to more writings in 2008, God forbidding. I thank the many hundreds of readers who have expressed their encouragement and thanks by e-mail in 2007.
- Investing to beat inflation. How much you worry about it also depends on how much you spend.
- Retirement - How much money do you need? Forget the 70-80% estimate.
- Evolutionary fitness is about depicting how we must move to stay better fit and uninjured.
- UNICEF Associated shows that links can flow to other generations, even in little drops.
- Biofuel or Food - we are reaching an era of using food reserved for humans for energy.
- Employee Beware may show that even a half-million-dollar vacation may not be any favor to you.
- How Old Are You? may show that most of us are ignoring the other serious equation.
- The Historical Chart Fallacy shows how you can spin by picking suitable start/end dates or indices.
- Do Investments Costs Really Matter - Yes, they do for the small investor, like UN-types.
- A Pension Primer is to give you a better understanding of the UN Pension Fund vs a 401K plan.
- Too old to work is another spin on the aging factor.
- Tackling corruption in social development is about how foreign aid is wasted more than by corruption.
- Is your significant other more with the computer than you?
- Are Men from Mars and Women from Venus? is a controversial discussion about the equality of the sexes.
- When investing alone can't make you rich shows how sometimes investing can make you poor.
- How to get richer explains why spending is more important than investing.
- Ensure a better world tomorrow - What can you do? A link to a pragmatic site on what you can immediately do to help in preserving the environment.
- UNICEF's electronic aging is a short history project on how UNICEF plunged into the electronic age and the two people who really contributed to the upstart.
- Welcome to the electronic millennium traces the development of the electronic revolution and how it affects the printed word and the lifestyles of humankind. A bit futuristic too.
- How lives have changed electronically points to some of the behavioral changes stemming from the electronic boom.
- The case for mutual funds is a hint on the safe and sure method of investing for the everyday person on the street.
- Why is it hard to be an investor? is an educational piece of some of the many variables that concern investing and make it a difficult hobby or job for UN types.
- The Price of being a Klutz. Terrific true story. It could be George or Elaine from Seinfeld.
- English in the USA. A must I think. Better copy the China and Japanese one language model.
- Is the sky falling? Almost, when you consider these troubling times.
- Enjoy before its too late. Its not end of life issue, its incapacity to move.
- Where does the money go? Foreign Aid - Everyone is waiting for the ideal model on foreign aid.
- Three Wise Men of Finance - thanks to them for index investing.
- So you are a big shot now? is a comparison of us with the wonders of the world.
- Me as a Writer now tells you how I keep intellectually stimulated in retirement.
- US Stock Market News of last week is once again a lesson in market volatility.
- Man's fury is of the horror of humankind's self-destructive capacity; most unkind of course.
- Nature's fury is of the catastrophic events with low probability.
- UNICEF's Integrated Budget - A Decade of Failure? Give up or continue?
- Exchange Rate Controversies - The Big Mac Index is a great illustration of the PPP.
- Amsterdam - The Bicycling Capital of the World? Talk of carbon emissions and global warming.
- Is it still hard to be a woman? Annex 1 - Africa's child brides: What a horror?
- Is it still hard to be a woman? Annex 2 - The girl child is the household cook and...
- Green GDP - What is it?
- Millennium Development Goals - A far outreach - Whom to blame?
- Budgeting for noise - What did a former budget director have to say?
- Swimming the Antarctica mile - can that be a woman?
- Is it still hard to be a woman? Yes it is, but depends on your location. In some places it is a just plain misery to be a woman. Much more needs doing to eradicate the misery affecting millions of women in dark places around the world.
- Who does have it first? A story of oneupmanship and how it makes people seem inferior.
- What else could a biker do? is about the people and events on my bicycle rides.
- Law of Survival and Value Creation - Non-profits can learn a lot from business.
- Absorptive Capacity reminds of the limits of capacity and overload consequence.
- Retirement Past-times - Part 2 read more about some pitfalls to avoid.
- Re-gifters - Are Sri Lankan Americans the Leaders? Do you think so?
- Bicycling to Stamford to see Luke was quite an experience.
- Improbable plans - Is the UN so off-the-mark due to its improbable style of planning?
- Retirement Past-times - Part 1- Is about readying for retirement or if in it, the expectations.
- Stock market news - Nature of the Beast speaks of randomness and alerts for the ordinary investor.
- Is cycling dangerous? Be aware of the dangers for yourself and your children and grandchildren.
- Is swimming dangerous? Be aware of the dangers than lurk in this sport and recreation. Read it not only for your benefit (swimmer or not) but for those of your children and grandchildren.
- Swimming in the rain is a wonderful experience. Also offers swimming advice.
- Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation - A $10 billion opportunity for the Middle East.
- A Book in Your Hand - the importance of reading and study - lesson from Everyman's library.
- The Host With The Most is about the rise especially of China, but social consequences erupt.
- Very Mean Mean - Social Sector Example - is another brief example of misguidance.
- World Bicycle Relief - is a call to add bicycles as a supply item of aid to developing countries.
- Caring Beyond Expectation is about the discomfort of doing personal chores for the boss.
- Leadership Taboos - there are many, but not taking a vacation is the worst I think.
- Very Mean Mean - Personal finance example explains why too much reliance on the mean is bad.
- Catch Me If You Can is another bike path story to motivate you to exercise.
- Beyond tech - The Chief Information Officer's job is now moving beyond "tech." UNICEF take note.
- Flying high - Be prepared to be a student and regard others well.
- It is so easy to agree - Of course it is, but is it the right thing do always do?
- Oh, so very positive - Saying negative things in a positive way is quite a challenge and skill which only a few people possess I think.
- Commute-bicycling - how close is the U.S.? The best course of action for health and energy saving initiatives.
- Lack of perfection = perfection says a jolly good lot for decision-making and incompetence.
- Index investing may be the best course to follow for small-time investors like UN types.
- Too Old to Study Said Who? Age is never a barrier to study. Just sharing a personal experience.
- Newspaper journalism is moving fast from print to online. Organizations must follow suit.
- Credit Problems - when your boss does not give you credit it is the equivalent of running a debt account.
- Winter biking - the Europeans are the champions. We can learn a lesson or two from them.
- Blowing in the wind - if you hit your head on a rock stone it will crack. Some times, you must wait it out.
- African Science - shows that Africa needs much more than aid input.
- Response to Future Perspectives about childcare, women's rights and energy issues.
- Sense Making reminds us that UN rigidity and slowness to act may be having high social costs.
- Foreign Aid Merry-Go-Round is the song and dance talk for bettering aid.
- Are you too late for the party? Part 2 continues the discussion on UN pension issues.
- What is it to be a leader? I think we can take a lesson or two from tribes and ERM.
- Dell celebrates women around the world is a great corporate example. Has UNICEF ever celebrated women around the world? Even if it was our own leaders?
- Bacteria and depression - Swimming might unstress you. Dirtying your hands may boost immunity.
- Are you too late for the party Part 1? is continuing the discussion on UN pension issues.
- Social consequence of gadgets - Part 2 continues the discussion of gadgetry consequences.
- Rich but sad shows that there is no positive correlation between wealth and happiness.
- Volumetrics is a link to a book on weight-control eating.
- Fit bodies fitter brains is another reminder that exercise does more for you than you think.
- Penny Pinching is a reminder not to be pennywise and pound foolish.
- Aging Up - Stick to your guns and jolly up is another piece on slowing the aging process.
- Social consequences of gadgets Part 1- is about the differentiation of social values with gadgetry.
- Pension Pandemonium Rewind is a revisit to UN Pension Payout Options.
- Bicycle trails of 3,000 miles stretching from Maine to Florida, Wow.
- Figuring your net-worth - Yesterday's stock market tumble is a lesson not to value net-worth at full price.
- When does Fahrenheit equal Centigrade? Just satisfying some curiosity.
- The Office Culture - UNICEF may have multiple cultures with some infectious to good health.
- From Print to Online - Is the UN ready for the challenge? Or lag the rest of the world?
- Natural Threats from Up Above - Can the UN help? Or can humankind fight nature?
- Child Soldiers Protocol - Now the challenge is to turn words into action.
- The Left Behind Children of China is a new concern for UNICEF.
- Malaria - Old drug with new talent is about NU research findings on an old high blood pressure medication that can stop resistance to malaria treatments.
- Mother Earth - It's majesty humbles us and that is why it must be protected.
- Greening of America is a great read from the Economist on environmental issues.
- How committed are you? to yourself and your organization.
- Getting Rid of those extra pounds may need not only effort but self-control. Look for guidelines and encouragement. There is hope for everyone.
- UNICEF's 60 years is over, what is next? Or is it the end of the road?
- Are women gender-free? - Women have come a long way in assuming senior positions in industry and commerce. Should their post titles reflect their position?
- Conversation - The Human Relations Leader - If you think conversing eloquently will make you feel a champion, think again!
- India's Cotton Farmers is a case study to comments on subsidies to essay on UNICEF's 60 years is over what's next?
- The UN/UNICEF Reformer. Why must an organization be reorganized if there aren't good reasons to do so?