60 articles were published in 2008. I have been at about 50% capacity compared to previous years for a couple of reasons. Perhaps, I am reaching the limit of writing topics since my list is almost exhausted now. Secondly, I am taking a greater interest in meeting local town officials and others and trying to encourage more commuter bicycling and are doing more commute bicycling, having donned the car for almost 10 years now for all my local trips from 5-10 miles range. Third, I spend more time with local friends. Fourth, and most important is the more frequent visits to Florida to spend time with the grand-kids (7 years and 17 months).
Once again, I thank my many UNICEF and other friends for their e-mails about these writings. I am glad to see that some of you express interest in the content of some articles. I hope to continue this web log through 2009 as well.
- Financial crisis may impact UN Pension Fund - perhaps UNJSFP should explain.
- Financial tsunami is about the major causes and the cure, one word, "confidence."
- Saving more each month offers some hindsight in this troubled economy.
- Approaching retirement is about some of the household issues people contemplate nearing retirement.
- Don't retire is a discussion on what it means to not retire.
- Ian Hibell - The cyclist extraordinary is the story of a man who took cycling to the most remote parts of the world giving inspiration to millions of people around the world.
- Who runs the world? is a great article from the Economist of the challenges facing postwar global institutions, chief among them is the United Nations.
- Lifetime Achievement Award for excellence in sports, especially teaching poor children how to swim.
- Blacks can't swim is an absurd old bias about blacks and swimming.
- Fit not frail - Exercising body and mind in tandem will keep you fit for longer years.
- Life Straw Will it help very much in bringing clean drinking water to the developing world?
- Team Solver - is it better to have one team leader or rotate leaders over a project's life?
- Healthy living - Making bulk purchases at discount stores may be against the doctors orders.
- Bicycling for commute or fitness - There are reasons why you may need more than one bike.
- Why write? Employing some text widens your horizons, forces you to self-study and keeps you mentally active.
- Stop Talking Start Doing is a motivational message to do exactly that - stop talking and take some action.
- Dream UN Job - is there ever such a UN job? Find out how you may be able to make one.
- Peak Oil is a hot button topic these days. You can see my general comments, but the scientific link is an in-depth read.
- Integrating Bicycling with public transportation areas it needs a lot of work considering safety first.
- Budgeting Techniques - Nothing New shows what we did in UNICEF still goes around the private sector. But we can continue to make budget mistakes in lieu of common sense approaches.
- The second holocaust is a grim reminder of the happenings in the Congo - women at risk.
- Getting to know the locals is of building friendships and impressing your boss and colleagues.
- How to bike is more than balancing on two wheels.
- Computer links to avoid are those that embed in E-mails.
- Ownership of America's Oil, may be you have a share of it. And how can you help?
- Ask simple questions to avoid one-dimensional thoughts and improve your career.
- So many subject areas is why I write on varied topics.
- Essays: Budgeting - Yours truly on the market.
- UN immigrants is good reading for those thinking of retiring in the USA or working in New York or field locations.
- How to cut your gainsis simple, add intermediaries and spend unwisely. Buffetology has insight.
- You can choose your friends but not your relatives; so you can blame the bugs instead.
- Beach-House bargains is good for retirees thinking of second homes or relocation.
- Antibody politics is about HIV/AIDS versus the rest.
- Diversity - sidekicks to SN essays adds more emphasis to this complex subject.
- Harnessing religions for children- you got to read what Mr. Kul Gautam has to say.
- Mr. James Grant nudged the world a lotand Karlo will live.
- Money for old hope is a great read from the Economist to understanding the vagaries of the market.
- Presidential challenge of exercise is to give you a jump-start this Spring 2008.
- Profiles in retirement - Mr. Fuad Kronfol, he is still making things happen.
- Market gloom is it necessarily a dooms day(s)?
- Profiles in retirement - others gives a perspective of what some private citizens are doing.
- Taxing matters - avoiding and evading taxes, is to remove some of the confusion and avoidance.
- Looking for a comfortable bicycle ride. Don't get carried away with the metal.
- Fall and winter biking - 2008, yet at it. Please see pictures.
- UNICEF history through stampsis the great work of our former UNICEF colleague, Fuad Kronfol.
- Social development - what comes first, the chicken or the egg? is about crawling before walking.
- UN Pension - what divisor for tax exemption? will give guidance on correct recovery of tax exemptions of UN Pension. Canadians formerly with the UN, may also find it useful.
- You always have to be on the guard for financial fraud to protect your hard earned money.
- Future predictions - if you are not a scientist, predicting short may be better than taking the long path.
- As UNICEF creates a new D1 post of Ethics Adviser, it is a good time revisit the subject of ethics.
- Save up, save time shows that the office is a great place for some exercise all day long.
- Exercising, hot or cold weather is a reminder to keep you moving this winter.
- To sell or not to sell is a grim reminder that there are smart buyers at the other end.
- Avoiding tensions in market downturns will show you how to keep a cool head.
- One world, two wheels can help reduce obesity, save on fuel consumption, and reduce pollution.
- Ride the Everglade Florida bike trails in the company of alligators, flora and birds.
- Financial geniuses cut down to size. If you don't know and don't care, perhaps you can escape the trap.
- There can never be a happy ending until optimizers learn to be satisfiers.
- UNICEF's great talent losses is of some recent top leaders whom we see sad to go.
- Will money solve Africa's development problems? is like asking whether money brings happiness.
For i, patrick, i think for a positive change to be left in the sands of time in the preparing of youths for a better future, the youths must not be left out. They should be taught to exhibit the patriotic spirit, that is the remarkable spirit of philanthropism. This however must not incinuate the monetary donations but the heartfelt contribution to the positive change in the world of the less privileged counterparts. Not forgetting, the uniform, unique, supportive and dedicated spirit of our icon of mutuality: BARACK OBAMA- WE CAN MAKE IT! Lets start now. Be the change . Lets join hands to make a world fit for youths and children. Ocheja Patrick. Nigeria. +2348068674787
Posted by: Patrick ocheja | February 10, 2009 at 02:01 PM