I have been advocating for a few years that Canadian authorities should apply the same formula for the tax-exemption of UN Pension as applied for retirees who have domiciled in the United States of America. It so happened that one Canadian national had by accident come across my site on the web and got in touch with me. We communicated about two years ago and shared information and he promised to push the case with the Canadian tax authorities. I am now pleased to report that he has met with some success. Please see the pdf file attached at this link: Download LetterFromCRAContainingDetailsAboutTaxExemption2[1]. Please see note below:**
I am sure some former UN colleagues now on a UN pension and domiciled in Canada may have a chance of getting tax refunds retroactively. Please see a tax preparer with a copy of this letter. Many of the assumptions are based on the US tax document 575, the 2008 update at this link Publication 575 Pension and Annuity Income. I have also prepared a worksheet to show how the system works, please see Download UN Pension Canadian nationals** for illustration purposes only. But you must counsult with a tax professional if you are unable to prepare your own taxes.
**The Download of UN Pension Canadian nationals was added here on Feb 24, 2009.
Download UN Pension Canadian nationals.
Note for UN retirees domiciled in Canada: Please contact the local
Tax Service Office of the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA) where you file your returns (or would file your tax return when you retire). The addresses and telephone numbersare on the CRA web site. We have had to black out the names and telephone numbers of individuals mentioned in the CRA letter because they are not the contact persons for processing of individual tax returns regarding the partial taxation of the UN Pension.
Where would one obtain information on the cost of a pension that started in 1982 , for a single Canadian resident? How many year is this retroactive?
Posted by: Yvette Panek | September 30, 2009 at 01:50 AM
Please see http://merrillc.typepad.com/unwind/2009/06/cafics-letter-on-tax-exemption-un-retirees-domiciled-in-canada.html. Contact UNJSPF for pension costs and also contact CAFICS for further information. I think you can get tax refunds for up to 10 years in Canada.
Posted by: Merrill Cassell | October 04, 2009 at 07:27 AM
UN PENSION are communicated about two years ago and shared information and he promised to push the case with the Canadian tax authorities. I am now pleased to report that he has met with some success.
Posted by: What is Pension | June 16, 2010 at 09:25 AM
Failure doesn't mean you are a failure,
It does mean you haven't succeeded yet.
Posted by: coach outlet | November 02, 2010 at 09:53 AM